A review by bboerner
Mentats of Dune by Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson


I won a copy of the book via a Goodreads Firstreads giveaway.

I've read all the Dune books up to this point, so I feel like I have a pretty good feeling for the tone and setting of the stories set far into our own future. This book fits nicely into that future universe in my mind.

One of the neat things about the "Schools of Dune" sub-series is that we're getting a chance to learn about the formation of the various factions that populate the original series, and some of the prequels. The Bene Gesserit, Mentats, Navigators, Suks, Tleilaxu, CHOAM, the Ginaz Swordmasters, and the Landsraad are all represented in some form here. Also, the Corrino, Atreides, and Harkonnen families are already central to the action.

The alliances, battles, and changing allegiances of these different factions is just as fascinating and compelling as what we find in the previous installments of the "Duniverse". Even knowing what these groups look like much later doesn't take away from the suspense and intrigue.

This book did not disappoint, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter of the series!