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A review by scrollsofdragons
A Darkness Absolute by Kelley Armstrong


3.5 Slightly better from the first but the case let it down for me.
Spoiler if someone wasn't so taken by her boyfriend and her new puppy maybe it wouldn't take a prostitute to be the one to crack the case open. Like Jen figured it out before the police force which includes a homicide detective could. The council suggest the girl faked a kidnapping before and so therefore she is this time even if it's far obvious she didn't. However none of them think about the other victim-who is a male so considering the guy has been taking females makes zero sense but they don't apply that to him though until Jen points him out and even then Casey doesn't want to take her word for it. And it turns out to be him. Like maybe you should just give Jen the job she wants, she's far better at it then the rest of you incompetent fools.
I just hope next book the detectives are a little bit smarter and there's an more interesting case which by the sound of it seems slasher-esque so looking forward to that one.