A review by phoires
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson


there is just so much i want to say about this book, but i don't even know where to begin. i'll just leave my thoughts in the most organized way i can right now. (it's a mess)

i don't even know how to explain it. the fact that nothing is glorified, nothing is pretty is so amazing and the way it's written.. i wouldn't use the word good, positive, nice or perfect to describe this book, because it doesn't feel right. it's crude, it's mild, it's mellow, numb. all of these but meant as a compliment.
this book feels like a fever dream, something that you see through a filter, watch from an aerial view, from space. it's about mental illness and dealing with life, nothing is okay and maybe nothing will ever be, but everyone is trying. all of these characters made mistakes (terrible ones, one way or another) and that's the reality of it.
the way henry says diego and he were destined to meet is so good, because they kind of parallel each other? i wouldn't know how to explain it, but it become really oblivious by the end of the book. (my brain is fried)
oh, but ngl, i was on edge whenever something positive happened to henry, because it was always a flag and it always ended up badly lmao.
anyway. characters aside, i loved how hutchinson just casually implanted the alien/space thing in there and managed to mesh it together with the plot in such a wow way (mmmmh yes, Intelligent Words). if anything, this is the part that smoothes the crude parts out in order to make all of the misfortunes bearable.