A review by troystory
The Golden Specific by S.E. Grove


I read this book several years ago, and I read it again now because I thought it was about time I finally finished the trilogy (the third book came out three years ago, and I haven't read it yet). I was expecting it to be a mediocre pre-teen fantasy book, but it surprised me. It was well-written, thoughtful, captivating, and so much better than I had hoped. The characters were all fleshed out and believable, and the plot and world were original and wonderful and carefully planned. I thoroughly enjoyed every second I spent reading this book.

The most important things from this book:
- it was a direct continuation of the first in the trilogy, which I always appreciate in sequels
- Sophia, the main character, wasn't the fated Chosen One who accomplishes everything on her own, but instead had many people helping her along the way
- many of the side characters had characters arcs and satisfying endings
- the book wasn't solely focused on one person
- the antagonist was terrifying, wholly believable, and eerily similar to the current president of the US in certain aspects

In conclusion, I absolutely adored this book. Who cares if it's meants for 12 year olds? I certainly don't. I'm very excited to see where the third book goes!