A review by bookish_kristina
Lachlan in a Kilt by Anna Durand



DNF 20%, I’m rating it anyway, y’all can fight me on it in the yard later, I’m fired up enough that I don’t think you will land any punches *windmilling arms*.

Holy crap this was bad. I had to check when this was written as there was so much casual misogyny and slut shaming I figured pre-2015, but gah 2021. But the ‘not like other girls’ or ‘Madonna/whore’ narrative wasn’t even the worst of it; this was just so cheesy. I think it was trying to be swoony and hot but fuck-me I wanted to die a little inside as I listened to this terrible thing. If there had been any story in between all the innuendo and sexual inner monologues I might have been able to stand it, but it was all just eye-brow waggingly bad.

John Hartley, your voice is a dream and in a Scottish accent it’s *chef’s kiss* but not even you could get me to continue with this piece of garbage. Oh and great news: apparently the entire story can be read again from the heroine’s perspective in a different book, cause the world needed that.