A review by graculus
Dead Men's Boots by Mike Carey


This is the third in Carey's series of novels, following on from [b:Vicious Circle|1128964|Vicious Circle A Felix Castor Novel|Mike Carey|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1181228226s/1128964.jpg|1325171].

Once again, our 'hero' is Felix Castor, freelance exorcist, who is dealing with the aftermath of earlier events as Dead Men's Boots starts with him attending the funeral of a friend who died at the end of the previous novel.

As usual, Fix soon finds there's more going on that he had previously realised, as his friend who has died was terrified of being brought back in some way and there's a plot afoot to resurrect criminals in order to allow them to carry on their illegal ways. While dealing with this, Fix is also trying to cope with a challenge to his plans for the friend he accidentally got possessed by a demon, as one of his former colleagues is trying to gain custody of him through the courts.

As with the earlier books in the series, I enjoyed Carey's laconic writing very much and feel some sympathy for Fix and the predicaments he finds himself in. The series continues in [b:Thicker Than Water|2808554|Thicker Than Water|Mike Carey|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1236282876s/2808554.jpg|2834452], which I look forward to reading.