A review by bookloverchelle
Falling Hard: Bad Boys Undercover by HelenKay Dimon


Book number two in the Bad Boys Undercover from HelenKay Dimon, Falling Hard is a fast paced, edge of your seat romantic suspense that picks right up from where the last book ended. When a distress signal goes out from a clinic in Skardu, Pakistan the Alliance team knows that a rescue is needed. But when West finds not the seasoned doctor he was expecting but the doctor’s daughter, Lexi, he knows that this assignment is going to go from bad to worse. He’s already in the one part of the world he said he’d never come back to but he and his team members are being thrown in to a situation that they could possibly not make it out of. Lexi knows that there’s something not right going on in the local caves and uses the distress signal she learned from her father to send for help. When West and the rest of the Alliance team show up she’s not ready for the heat she feels for this very dangerous rescuer. As they uncover the secrets hiding in this seemingly quiet mountain town the attraction between Lexi and West heat up but will they make it back to safety to explore what could possibly be? Really great continuation in the series. Technically it could be read as a stand-alone but supporting characters and the ‘big baddy’ are introduced in the first book so I would recommend starting there. I really love how Ms. Dimon does not shrink on the action, she shows great interactions between the Alliance team members, and doesn’t leave the heroine as a weak woman waiting to be rescued. There’s a great mix of all the things I love in a romantic suspense. Great read, I’m excited to continue the series!

**HelenKay is a personal friend, take this review however you’d like**