A review by alchemypotato
Aquaman, Volume 1: The Drowning (Rebirth) by Dan Abnett


I can't say Aquaman has ever interested me as a character, but there was a moment in the middle of this book where I thought "you know, Aquaman isn't an interesting superhero but he is an interesting head of state."

Too bad the whole thing fell apart. This has an OK an intro (though I could've done without the writer trying to make me feel guilty for not loving Aquaman), a pretty good middle but a dreadful back third that unfortunately resolves nothing.

This story really felt against the spirit of Rebirth. It also doesn't feel remotely novel given there have been other government vs. superhero and superhero vs. superhero stories lately. Mera ended up coming off like an irrational, impulsive jerk and I *hated* their back and forth over whether they still wanted to get married right in the middle of the United States military trying to kill them.

This book gets a three by the sheer fact that parts of it were good but this is definitely on the lesser end of books I've read, not because Aquaman isn't interesting but because the story was frustrating.