A review by manjala
Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor


I could've finished this within a week, if not for the fact that I got into another reading slump....

I had a lot of fun with the whimsical, magical vibes in this series. For me, though, this whole trilogy was sadly unable to reach the greatness that was Strange the Dreamer . Even though this last book managed to improve upon things, (mainly the writing and the focus of the story on different aspects than the last ones) it still didn't "do" it for me. Maybe it's because of the mood I'm in currently, maybe it's the fact that the story tried to do so many different things, I don't know.

The start of this book was great, it was so different than I'd gotten used to from Laini Taylor, and it set my expectations for this last book quite high. The pacing still felt a little bit off, but I was prepared to deal with a shift in that, because the story had to be tied up at the end, right?
Regrettably, the ending and everything leading up to it had so many disjointed and random moments for me, that it took me out of the story multiple times. New characters and parts of the world got introduced at a time that felt very unlogical to me, and that made me feel like the author also didn't really know what to do with the ending. It was like she put three different endings in one.

All in all, I feel quite confused as to how to feel about this book. On one hand, I feel like I'm being too critical for what this series is, on the other hand I feel like this series just wasn't for me (although it should've had everything I like!).