A review by pjonsson
Hurricane Force by Jana DeLeon


Warning review of books six AND seven.

I have to say that of the seven books that I have read so far in this series, these two are the ones that I liked the least.

The books are following the same style and pattern as the previous books which is not much of a surprise of course. Fortune stumbles into new cases of mischievous shenanigans by various misfits in the little Bayou town appropriately named Sinful.

As usual Fortune and her two friends embark on a journey to resolve the crimes perpetrated and, equally as usual, they are strongly told not to interfere. Why start to listen now when all has gone so well in the the past (irony)?

In book seven (Hurricane Force) she also, finally gets to confront Ahmad although that does perhaps not go exactly as planned in the end but then, which of Fortune’s plans have gone exactly as planned so far.

As with the other books in the series the books are a mix of mystery, investigation, some action and humour. Sometimes toilet humour (literally). Also, as with the other books, the humour part is sometimes a bit too much.

Still these two books were fun books to read.

What I didn’t like in these two books were that in book six (Soldiers of Fortune) the book spends too much time on this criminal asshat Celia and I really do not like that she managed to manipulate herself into becoming mayor. That is too much Brandon Regime for me.

Book seven though holds the real bummer for me. I was kind of looking forward to this book since the book blurb promised that Carter would finally learn the true nature of Fortune. To me this was really botched. How Carter, or rather the author, handled this was not the way I wanted it to go. To me that direction was entirely unnecessary and just there to create some rubbish emotional drama.

Well, I guess I have to see where the next book goes. So far these books have been too much fun to read to drop just because of a few twists that I did not like.