A review by sk24
Taken by Erin Bowman


3.5/5 stars

**A big thank you to HarperCollins for sending me this ARC!**
(Due to the fact that it is an Advanced copy that I am reviewing,
my review will not reflect the quality of the writing)

Taken is a YA Dystopia where all boys are "Heisted" on their eighteenth birthdays. Nobody know the reasons for the disappearances of the boys or how it happens. But, the community of Claysoot has come to expect and accept the strange happenings. In this story, the reader is taken through the journey of a boy named Gray as he tries to find answers, because he is one of the few people in Claysoot who just cannot accept the Heist. He needs to know why it keeps happening, especially after his brother is Heisted. I thought the premise for this story was definitely interesting. The world building wasn't executed very well in the beginning. I felt like I didn't get a sense of what their little community was like until they were beyond the wall and started seeing unfamiliar things, like cars and flooring. But, it got better as the story continued.

Gray is the main character and narrator of Taken. He is a bit of a cowboy, acting on impulse and not caring about consequences until after. I didn't feel that I was able to connect with him very strongly. He was an okay character though. Likeable and strong. But, not the most memorable or endearing character, in my opinion. Gray's two love interests, Emma and Bree, are both decent characters. They are very different. Emma is sweet and I want to say innocent, but she proves that she has rebellious qualities inside. Bree is tough, emotionally and physically. But, once we get to know her better, we see a softer side.

Overall, I was not completely taken by this book, but I definitely didn't dislike it. I liked it enough. I will read the sequel once it is released. This is one of those books that I'm not sure if I would recommend. I'm not going to scream to the world to read it, that's for sure; but, if you think it sounds interesting then I think it's worth a shot. See how you like it.