A review by michellesantiago
Twisted by Laura Griffin


As soon as I got Twisted in my eager hands in late January, I devoured it. Laura Griffin is one of my favorite romantic suspense author and one of my few auto-buy. She is a damn good writer and she has yet to disappoint me. Although Twisted is not my favorite by her (Snapped is) but it's still very, very good.

The heroine, Allison Doyle, was introduced in Snapped and she certainly made an impression there. I knew she's going to be a kick-ass, tough as nails kind of gal and I was really excited to see what kind of hero the author will pair her up with. Has-the-weight-of-the-world-on-his-shoulders Special Agent Mark Wolfe who was 43 years old to Allison's 27 was not what I expected but they worked. The romance aspect was a bit more downplayed in Twisted than in the author's previous books but it was still well-done. The romance here unfolded slowly but it made it more believable--besides the fact that Mark and Allison's focus is on the case and trying to piece together the clues to catch the serial killer, they had a few big issues they have to work out (their age difference being one of them).

The whole time I was reading Twisted I felt like I was watching a really good episode of Criminal Minds. The suspense took center stage in this book and it illustrates that Laura Griffin is the queen of well-written, gripping, unputdownable mystery. If you haven't read the previous Tracer books, Twisted reads as a very good standalone but if you are following the series some of characters from the previous novels are secondary characters in this book and you'll get an update on what they've been doing which is always fun. Twisted is a very good addition to the Tracers series. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am once again counting down until the next one by Laura Griffin. If you have not read any of Ms. Griffin's books, what are you waiting for?