A review by mom2three
Mended and Marked by V.T. Bonds


I've said it before, and I know I'll say it again, but V.T. Bonds is one of my favorite authors and this series will always hold a special place in my heart. Each story is unique, the characters are always complex, they are loaded with danger and suspense, the sexy scenes are scorching, and I always finish the story with a smile on my face. They are stand alone stories, but there is an intense story arc that started in her Alpha Elite series and continues into this one, so I recommend reading starting with Unknown Omega. You won't regret it. Each story is better than the last, and each one quickly becomes my favorites, I know that's not logical but it is what it is.

I can't tell you the number of times my heart broke while I was reading this. My anxiety would spike almost every other page, and I kept praying that everyone would make it out alive. It was intense. The chemistry between Duri and Cahress was beautiful and painful in turn, and even though I knew it would end with a HEA, I still found myself questioning if it would happen. I was racing to reach the end so I would know what happened next, and trying to force myself to slow down so I could savor each word. This is one series that I know I'll read over and over again and never get tired of.