A review by sil3nos
The Assimilated Cuban's Guide to Quantum Santeria by Carlos Hernandez


A very diverse collection of stories some of which were nice, some of which I didn't really get and some of which just had a weird ending. Had a few of the Ted chiang vibes I was hoping for though.

The aphotic ghost (3/5)
One of those that I didn't really 100% get. But I still really liked the setup.
Homeostatsis (3/5)
A lot of people really seemed to like this one but I think the conclusion was a bit rushed. Highly enjoyed the conversation between father and son towards the end.
Entanglement (4/5)
A bit melodramatic, especially at the end, but it kind of fit the Story.
The international stud book of the giant panda (4/5)
A really weird story. Maybe the weirdest one in here and it made me feel excited, a wee bit disgusted but overall really cool idea.
The macrobe conservation project (4.5/5)
Really liked the twist, didn't see that coming. Also cool idea.
Los simpaticos (2/5)
Didn't care much for that one and the mystery was not really executed well.
More than pigs and rosaries can give (4/5)
Eycept for the weird description of Jesús doing the ritual I highly liked this one.
Bone of my bone (2/5)
Okay what was that. The ending just confused me and the setup also was weird.
The magical properties of unicorn ivory (3/5)
Cool setup, questionable execution. Liked the worldbuilding though.
American moat (5/5)
My favorite story in here. Liked the whole "humans are so caught up in their ideologies that they won't realize good opportunities"
Fantaisie impromtu (4/5)
Another strong one. Cool concept, nice execution.
The assimilated Cubans guide to quantum santeria (3/5)
I liked the first few paragraphs but then the promises made there were kind of not fulfilled. The story itself is not bad, far from it, actually, but I just found the present to be a bit more interesting than the past the story played in.