A review by catchingadri
Daddy's New Kitten by Chara Croft


Everything that I disliked about this book comes from the same source: Deke. He's over the top to the point of being annoying and this never slows down or changes. His obsession with his neighbor comes off as creepy rather than cute, and everyone in his life feeds into this obsession willingly. He is lucky that Marshall (for some reason) returns his feelings. His kink exploration is the most interesting aspect of this book, but leads to more frustrations. Despite being a college student preparing to graduate, he is somehow incapable of figuring out how to google information and needs his friend to help. Deke's graphic sex and kink conversations with his mother are very awkward to read. There was too much focus on inner thoughts, which greatly slowed down the book's pace. If it was much shorter and more focused, it would have been more enjoyable. Their relationship seemed unhealthy between Deke's obsession and Marshall's struggle with moving past issues in his last relationship. Marshall's issues never really felt handled, and Deke of course only had his obsession supported with everyone treating it as totally normal.