A review by gerireads
A Wife in Every Sense by Joanne Walsh


I could never resist books with a boss-secretary trope. Unfortunately, it didn't pan out as I had a hard time connecting with the story and its characters.

Kate decided to quit her job as a personal assistant to Greek boss Aleksei because she's in love with him and she's having a hard time dealing with his playboy ways. Before she was to go on a holiday trip, she and Aleksei spent a passionate night together which resulted in a pregnancy. Aleksei offered her marriage, which Kate accepted even though she knows he doesn't do love and all that jazz. There were so many instances where this book could have been good but it failed because Kate was just a hot mess. The conflict, if ever there was even one, was all in her head. Which made for a really annoying read.

ARC provided by Entangled via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.