A review by tani
The New Mother by Eugene Fischer


The premise of this story was extremely intriguing to me. Basically, there is a new disease, possibly an STD on the scene, called GDS. This disease affects women, although men can be carriers. The disease changes the eggs of these women so that they no longer need sperm in order to reproduce. In fact, these women will become pregnant spontaneously, asexually, basically giving birth to clones of themselves.

The story follows a reporter as she writes a story on this disease, getting opinions on policy and the possible consequences of this disease. It's not a terribly plot-driven story. Instead, it's more informational, I would say, using the main character as a vehicle to get out the idea and all its potential repercussions.

I thought that the idea itself was fascinating, and that's what carries the story. Tess, the main character, is fine, but it's the ideas here that will draw you back. I loved exploration of what changes in policy might come about and the different stances that the politicians featured in the story had. I would have really liked a longer story, with more details on how things play out, but I still very much enjoyed the thought experiment that this was.