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A review by laughlinesandliterature
Paperweight by Meg Haston


*I received this book from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review*
I read this book entirely in one sitting, and it absolutely consumed me and dragged me into Stevie’s world. I’m not joking, my husband talked to me for 5 minutes before I realized that he was talking to me (it might have helped if he’d said my name). Stevie and her tragic story were just engrossing from beginning to end, this story doesn’t pull any punches from the beginning and I can’t remember the last time a Young Adult story this series came across as sincere. Most of the time these stories are full of cliche’s and the characters don’t feel real.

Stevie felt real to me, her illogical thought process are exactly the kind of thing that is so hard to argue with when you have a mental illness. You can recognize its not necessarily true, but it’s true to you and that’s all that matters and you will do anything that you think is right. I thought the process of showing how slowly Stevie came to her decision about investing in treatment was perfect. I’m not sure that I would have picked up this book if I had really understood how it was going to be written, but I’m glad I did. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars.

*This review was first posted on Moonlight Gleam Reviews*