A review by kfriend
The Stand-In Boyfriend by Anna B. Doe


Another fun novella in the Greyford High series. This one features Noah and Jessy- characters prior in the series. We last saw Noah in the prior book, and I was a bit nervous since he wasn’t super likable there- and I wasn’t sure Anna could redeem him in this novella, but I came around. He seemed genuinely remorseful and a decent guy.

This one is a fake dating trope- as Jessy finds herself in the middle of uncomfortable gossip thanks to an ex. Noah ends up being so sweet and finds a redemptive moment in the way he can step in and help Jessy- not only winning Jessy over but us, too. The end up deciding to continue the dating ruse, and what was fake turns into a real connection. I liked Jessy, even though I wanted her to stand up for herself in the way she stands up for others. I had a hard time seeing her strength in other places and her passiveness there- but then I also remember just how much what others think about you matters when you are a teen. And, I definitely understood her distrust of NOah- we didn’t trust him either after the last story.

Like all the books in this series, the story is sweet and charming and gives you all the high school nostalgic feelings. Its a quick read, but there’s enough meat here to engage you.

3.75 stars overall