A review by sofialexandra
The Front Runner (Special Edition) by Elsie Silver


One of the worst book hangovers I’ve ever experienced. I woke up today without a will to live knowing I couldn’t keep reading about Mira and Stefan forever.

She's not afraid to let her claws out, and I'm not afraid to get scratched.
If I had a nickel for every Elsie Silver man I became obsessed with that said he wasn’t scared of her claws and liked to be scratched I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.

She laughs, a soft chuckle. A noise I want to take and suck into my mouth. I want to swallow her whole. Devour her. I don’t deserve her, but goddamnit, I’m not sure I’ve ever wanted another woman more.

I am so deeply obsessed with them it’s not even funny anymore. The way they admired each other, the way they cared for one another. The way the plot kept you on your toes constantly, you could never be bored but also how different this book was, plot-wise, from the previous books.

I saw so much of myself on Mira and I was already so obsessed with her in the previous books and being in her mind was just everything I love her!!! I aspire to be Mira Thorne every day of my life from now on.

There’s something about a woman who wields her brain like a weapon and her tongue like a whip that makes me want to worship at her feet.

STEFAN DALCA THE MAN THAT YOU ARE!!! I KNEW!!!! I would fall so hard for this man even before his book. There’s just something about a mysterious, closed-off man that everyone seems to know nothing about and hate and when you get to know him he’s simply the most caring, loving, kind-hearted man. And, as I’ve said so many times before: if he’s not completely obsessed with you and his life doesn’t revolve around your existence, drop him! Cause that’s how it was for Stefan. That man wouldn’t breathe if Mira wasn’t looking at him. That’s how I need my man to be!!! He was just absolutely perfect and I need to put him in my pocket and protect him forever.

”And Mira?”
“Only smile when you want to.”

I didn’t think there would ever be a third-act breakup that I’d be obsessed with but was I wrong. This is the first time I’m actually in love with the way the third-act breakup came about. It made sense, it was the climax of the whole storyline. The characters’ reactions and reasonings were incredibly fair and made sense. THE WAY THAT IT WAS ALL RESOLVED??? Obsessed!!! My heart was POUNDING and there were tears in my eyes. IF YOUR MAN DOESN’T WALK THROUGH FIRE FOR YOU DOES HE EVEN CARE?

More favourite quotes (can I include the whole book) :

I think Dr. Thorne looks especially lovely when she's frowning.

This woman is about to be my undoing.
And I’ll do almost anything to prove to her I’m deserving. I’ll burn it all down to make it happen.

Anyone who thinks they can speak that way to you in front of me is in for a rude awakening.

I don't have to be tough and independent around Stefan one hundred percent of the time. He doesn’t think less of me for getting tired of being strong all the time.

That's part of what I like about her.
She's like a vault, and once I figure out the code, I’ll get that side of her.
I could keep her secrets. She could be soft with me. She could let loose with me, and l’d still stand back and let her be the fiercely independent woman she is. I don’t want to tame her; I just want a front-row seat to watch her win the race.

He yearns for me. I see it in his eyes. He does nothing to conceal his longing.

”Beautiful,” she murmurs.
“Very,” I say back. Except, I’m not looking at the sky anymore. I’m looking at her. […] She's downright enchanting. I've always thought so, but spending this much time with her […] has tossed me into turbulent waters I didn't see coming. I'm completely adrift with Mira. About to drown in her. And I'm not sure I have enough of a survival instinct to save myself. I'm not sure I want to.
I'm thinking I might be more than just enchanted with her.

He runs his fingers over top of mine, still watching his skin slide against my own with a look of quiet awe on his face.
“You have beautiful hands. Almost as beautiful as your mind and heart. Sometimes I find myself staring at them while you work, so elegant and strong all at once. Hands that heal. Hands that save lives.” His voice drops. “Hands that belong in mine.”

Somehow, when his arms close around me, the world melts away.
Everything that mattered two minutes ago ceases to exist now because he looks at me like I'm the only thing he sees.

”Jesus Christ.”
“No, Mira. It's just me.”

She has this way of making me feel safe, like she's really listening, not just humoring me to achieve some end. She genuinely enjoys our conversations, and somehow that's more flattering than anything else she's said or done. Her attention is healing.

"He hasn't left your side," Billie whispers. "Nadia had to bring him fresh clothes because he reeked of smoke but refused to leave you."

And then I saw you. It only took one look and I swear some part of me knew.
I knew my life would never be the same.

His lips press against one cheek, in the sweetest kiss. "I love you." Before moving over to the other, butterflies erupt in my stomach. "I love you." Our lips meet in a soul-searing kiss, the perfect fit, and he says it a third time. "I love you."
And nothing in my life has ever felt more real.
I love him. I love him. I love him.