A review by joyousreads132
Acrobat by Mary Calmes


Ladies and gents, let me introduce you to the most perfect literary hero ever penned in the entire history of literary characters.

Name: Dr. Nathan Quells
Profession: Professor, University of Chicago
Character Highlights: Kind, amiable, generous, supportive father/friend/mentor...do you see where I'm going with this? He saves old ladies being mugged on the side. He's a good lay and an accommodating lover. He's understanding to men who's blatantly playing him and shrugs it off like it's no big. Like, who cares? It's not like we're dating anyway. I'd say he was about a rain check away from being a doormat but this wouldn't be a character highlight now, would it? Right. I'm getting sidetracked here.

This man is like...Gandhi - good to the core. He's the popular guy in school whom everyone liked. Girls want to be with him and guys want to fuck him. No freaking exception. Heck, I wanted to make sweet, sweet love to my Kindle because of him. This man is the epitome of every woman's fantasies...but he's gay. And he's not into women. Ain't that always the case? Anyway, I have a point. Really, I do. Nathan is an impossibly perfect guy. He is without flaws. I'm not kidding.

Character Lowlights: *crickets*... *tumbleweeds*... He's perfect - too perfect. Basically, this man could do no wrong.

I enjoyed this book. Even though I'm not a fan of overly perfect male leads, getting acquainted with Nathan Quells was a different experience. The sex was hot. Oh and gah. Dreo whispering words of love in Italian was sex in itself.