A review by sarful
It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump by Stuart Stevens



A searing indictment of the current Republican Party under Donald Trump. He chronicles how the GOP got to where it is today, by looking at its history from the 80s to today. And what you come away with, is party built on racism, hypocrisy, owning a narrative without policy or a record and winning. Really, winning, without a shred of anything more.

There were times I forgot he was a former GOP operative, he was so exacting in his indictment. But, he’s a conservative still, a conservative without a party. He viewed the GOP as center right, but like many GOP got caught up in winning over all. There’s nothing too surprising in this, if you’ve been paying attention to politics, but this takes on a different slant because of who the author is and his vast knowledge of those operatives and politicians he’d worked with and know, personally, how terrible they are. He even apologizes on occasion for how successful he was in getting terrible people into positions of power.

Quite the interesting, if not depressing, read.