A review by sandrareilly513
True Crime Story by Joseph Knox


Thoughts: About a chapter or two in, I had to look this up to make sure it was a fictional story. Knox inserts himself as a character in this tale of a young college girl gone missing, twisting together a plot filled with lies, secrets, motives, and shady characters that could leave readers wondering if there isn't some truth to it. I struggled a bit with the dialect of the characters, but that's my limitation as an American reader, and at times it was difficult to distinguish between some of the characters. The ending, while a smidge unsatisfying, is quite realistic given the plot. It took me a while to really get into the story because there were a lot of character "sidebars" that led nowhere, but once the story got moving towards the midway point, it was hard to put down. The plot picked up, suspects emerged, and the hint of a body or two made the second half of this book intriguing and worth the read.

**Thank you, NetGalley and publishers, for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.**