A review by ngallion
Avempartha by Michael J. Sullivan


A definite improvement over the first book. The story for this one was genuinely interesting, but I still find the writing style just a little too basic for the setting and content. That’s very much a personal opinion, but because all of these books were written at the same time, I’m doubtful that I’ll see any significant improvement over the course of this series.

Despite those negatives, this is a quick, fun read that I did enjoy. We learn a little more about our main characters and their world here while also learning more about what one of the main factions (the bad guy, it seems?) are really up to. It’s not too deep, but if you’re looking for a short book that will scratch the classic fantasy itch, you could do a lot worse.

I’d give this 3.5 stars if that were an option. It’s good - and better than the first, but it’s not anywhere near as strong as other books I’ve rated as 4 stars.