A review by benlundns
The New Space Opera by Jonathan Strahan, Gardner Dozois


This was really a book full of hits and misses. The book grabbed my interest because there were a few authors names I recognized and I was very interested in short stories by them. Unfortunately the first several stories were severe disappointments, I seriously considered giving up on the book altogether a few times. But eventually the stories did start to run more to my liking. Minla's Flowers was an especially nice surprise.
However the stories that were unenjoyable tempered by the ones that left me wanting more lands the book in 3 star territory. If I only enjoy half the book, is it really worth it? The hallmark of a good anthology (in my opinion) is that I want to read more by that author, usually reading a collection of stories like this lets me add new books to my want-to-read list. I want to dive deeper into the universe that author has created. Too many of these stories left me wanting to get the first spaceship out of there.