A review by gumihoreviews
Fae Fractured by Rose Garcia


Power corrupts absolutely.

[b:Fae Fractured|57651198|Fae Fractured (Fae Bloodlines, #2)|Rose Garcia|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1624388383l/57651198._SX50_.jpg|90300012] by [a:Rose Garcia|5829367|Rose Garcia|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1341178859p2/5829367.jpg] is the second book in the Fae Bloodline Series and was filled with fear and power. We pick up right where we left off, Celyse is banished, Julio is back in the human world, all their friends and allies are either captured or dead, and there’s a new queen, Malena. Malena has to come into her power as high queen while Julio and Celyse continue to fight to overthrow her. Will they succeed or just cause more problems? This is the continuation of the fight of their lives.

This time, there was a huge focus on family! The fact that one family worked together while another completely split apart. The family came together to protect each other and there was more of an expansion of the familial magic. There was also the theme of living up to others’ expectations, and not really knowing your own power. Those that constantly want to live up to someone else's ideals will continuously seek approval.

In addition to the familial aspects, there were also emotional themes explored, grief, hatred, fear, and even trust. The grief was threaded throughout the entire story, which was expressed in different ways depending on the people. Some expressed fear and others became stronger. The hatred that came up misconstrued thoughts and more threats of treachery appeared. There was a new normal and trust was put in the wrong people. All of these themes are so common in our society and can be very relatable.

As this story is told in a multi-POV, it flipped between characters and their perspectives, which was interesting. The only issue with that was that there were some random occurrences of one off character POVs and I had no idea who they were. I had to go back and see who was speaking. They could’ve told their perspective within someone else’s chapter or had a larger part throughout the novel. It would've been more balanced. Aside from that, I really enjoyed the second installment. This story is getting deeper with each book!

I’d highly recommend reading the first book first and then coming to this one.

I’m ready to see what’s going to happen next with Celyse and Julio in [b:Fae Hunted|58652128|Fae Hunted (Fae Bloodlines, 3)|Rose Garcia|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1635521608l/58652128._SX50_.jpg|92259787].

*This was an honest review for a complimentary copy of Fae Fractured from Rose Garcia via BookSirens