A review by kitvaria_sarene
Silent City by G.R. Matthews


Add another re-read - or rather a re-listen to this book! There's an audio omnibus in the making, which will be out soon enough. I was lucky enough to get a bit of a beta listen experience! Suffice it to say, I still love Corin....
First read November 2015 - reread January 2017 - and I still love it just as much! :)

Entertaining and fast paced like an urban fantasy, sarcastic and fun - what is not to like?

One of my favorite books 2015! I found this gem more or less by accident, while asking for some bloody or dark fantasy or scifi - and was recommended this one.

This dystopian story takes place sometime in the near future, when humanity has to live down in the oceans, as the surface is uninhabitable. No aliens or spaceships whatsoever, instead big underwater cities, and a lot of submarines and diving gear.

The story never gets too "technical", but instead manages a perfect balance between worldbuilding and plot, without any infodumps at all. And I just love the descriptions of life in the ocean! I listened to the sounds, saw the deep, endless blue and felt the pressure around me. And that all with just a few sentences here and there, and without feeling like you are being told what to feel.

The main character is absolutely to my liking. I love his dry and dark humor, in all situations, and his dark side. A perfect "broken hero". You can't avoid being pulled onto his side and rooting for him. He had me laughing out loud and grinning to myself and even snorting a at times. (And I'm sure my fellow commuters now think I am a maniac...)

The story gripped me right from the first page, and didn't let me off the hook again. It was quite bloody and detailed in some parts - but for me the balance between plot, humor and violence was perfect. No gore just for the sake of it - but instead right for the story. A lot of action also helped to keep me well entertained and be quite flabbergasted when I reached the end of the book all of a sudden, when I could have kept going for another 200 pages...

The writing is easy and perfectly fluent, so you can really dive into the story, without realizing you are reading. Instead you are there, on the bottom of the ocean, following Corin around - who manages to step from one disaster into the next. Especially the witty humor kept me well entertained.

I can only wholeheartedly recommend this story to anyone, be it urban fantasy, scifi or thriller fan! My only complaint - it's way too short!