A review by klaragon73
Everneath by Brodi Ashton


I very seldom look at reviews before I read a book. If I happen to glance at them, I might notice the average star rating or a generic comment...I avoid spoilers at all costs. Going into Everneath I was a little concerned because, no matter how hard you try, it's very difficult to avoid discovering other peoples opinions of books...especially as a book blogger who belongs to several book communities. I try really hard not to take other peoples opinions as my own and WOW, am I ever glad I didn't in this case. I was captivated before the first chapter ended.

The more mythology I read, the more I absolutely adore it. Brodi Ashton's take on the Underworld is amazing and a storyline I haven't often read. Her writing style is beautiful and flows smoothly. The novel is written in first person from Nikki's point of view, bringing her every emotion to the surface. My single negative comment is that I have a hard time following the "now vs. then" writing style that so many authors use today. Other than that...near perfection.

Nikki started off strong, refusing to forget about her life with Jack while attending the Feed. She managed to tether herself to the Surface and survive her time with Cole intact, a shock to Cole himself. When she first resurfaced, I was a little disappointed in her lack of responsiveness to her family and friends she had left behind. However, with further reading, I realized she had a reason to try to keep her distance.

I loved that no matter what, Jack refused to let her suffer in silence. The absolute beauty and humanity of their relationship brought a smile to my face. He believed in her and he stood beside her through everything, yet he wasn't Mr. Perfect.

Cole...well, what is there to say about Cole. He annoyed me to no end but I don't believe he ever outright lied to Nikki...at least not in this book. Cole is the trademark of a perfect villain...a whole lot bad and a tiny bit good. Just enough that I felt he possessed true feelings of love and pain once or twice. These feelings did not make me want to cheer him on though.

The one person I didn't have any feelings for what-so-ever was Jules. I can't quite determine why her character existed. She didn't really play even a basic "filler" role. She popped up here and there with nothing important to say or do. Maybe she'll play a larger part in the next book...who knows.

The mythology really drew me deep into Everneath, immediately. I enjoyed the way Ms. Ashton used Nikki's term paper as a symbol of the her growth from despair to hope. Mary provided the perfect delivery method for the mythology of Persephone, Orpheus, Eurydice, and Anchors.

So much about this novel screamed of brilliance. Definitely one I won't be forgetting any time soon. Bravo to you, Brodi Ashton. I can't wait for more!