A review by krytygr
Where the Dead Sit Talking by Brandon Hobson


This book was an excellent portrayal of being a Native American kid coming-of-age while dealing with an absent parent. His mother is an alcoholic, which is sadly very typical. A lot of Native parents lose their kids because they refuse to stop drinking or doing drugs. Sequoyah is not only emotionally scarred from his mothers’ actions, he is actually physically scarred. He has trouble opening up because he’s never felt supported enough to do so. 
The Trout family are good people. That’s saying a lot compared to some foster families who see these children as checks rather than lives. I’m thankful they turned out the way they did.
I did feel it was a bit boring. Not a lot happens, and it’s slow paced. I kept waiting for something major to happen, and even when it did, it wasn’t that exciting.