A review by sarracenia
Happy single mother by Sarah Thompson


I read this after watching the author give an online session hosted by Frolo, the app for single parents. The session was better than the book. I couldn't quite figure out the point of the book. It shifts between statistics about divorce and single parenting to the author's own experiences, with some comments from other single mothers thrown in for good measure. As a single mother, she comes across as extremely fortunate with enough money, a close relationship with her own mother, good friends and a healthy co-parenting relationship with her ex. It's like the ideal single parent situation and I couldn't help feeling a bit jealous. No wonder the book is called Happy Single Mother, as that is what she is thanks to her fortunate situation. Although she comes to realise that it isn't all hunky dory in single mum world, it is obvious that this is based on what she has read instead of on her own daily reality.