A review by laura1315
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix


So this book followed our main character, Patricia, a mom of two kids and married to a doctor named Cater. It follows her and her experiences with her book club as they read true crime novels. Then an incident occurred with Patricia being attacked, which then led to her meeting her neighbors nephew. Coincidentally around this time things start happening to some of the kids near by and Patricia and her fellow book club members need to figure out who and what is hurting the kids before it’s too late.

While I don’t think this book was a “I need to know what’s going to happen next!” -type book, it was interesting enough that it kept me engaged and it was a pretty quick read.

The characters were okay and I did like the whole book club premise. Don’t get me started on the husbands of the women of the book club. So quick to dismiss them and not take them seriously.

Since we were following Patricia’s experiences, we only really got to see her growth, which made the book not as interesting in my opinion. While we did get to read a little bit about what the other characters thought, I do wish it gave us more insight on their perspectives.