A review by leesha_nyaa
A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon by Sarah Hawley


I couldn't get into this book. I was so hung up about how the cover made Mariel look skinny and ordinary. She was supposed to be curvaceous and filled with life. On the cover, she looked boring and rude. Speaking of rude, all the characters kept complaining about how they were rude and obnoxious to each other. Which they were, all of them. All so self-absorbed and irritating. The scene that got me so riled up was when Mariel's roommate showed up at a family dinner to "observe" Mariel's family dynamic for a project. What the hell was that? I couldn't like them. I wanted to, but I couldn't
I almost DNF'd this book 4 times! I only pushed through it because I mistakenly bought this book and the second one. 
I have no hopes for the second book. Calliadia (I hope I spelled her name right) was my least favorite character. I don't care if she was trying to protect Mariel. She was so much of a bully. 

This book is not original in any way. I've probably read this plot and trope multiple times, which I have no problem with. However, if the only thing that makes it different is the characters are rude and annoying, then I'd care for it to be less cliche.