A review by beckymmoe
My Fair Duchess by Megan Frampton


Loved! As always, I'm a sucker for retellings, so a My Fair Lady/Pygmalion where the Eliza character is a female "duke"? Yes, please!

Genevieve and Archie were wonderful characters, both separately and when together in a room and giving off enough sparks to light up every single one of the ducal properties that Genevieve inherited. I absolutely adored their letters back and forth, especially the parts they crossed outthought better of and even more especially the letters they didn't send...yet. Such an adorable idea!

The book titles that Genevieve kept coming up with to help her situation: How to Duchess Without Being a Dullard, How to Receive and Politely Decline Marriage Proposals from People You Don't Wish to Be Married To, and How to Trust That the Person You Love Loves You Back and Wants to Marry You After All, You Idiot were highly entertaining as well. Overall, there was as much to smile at in this book as things that made you want to break out the fan--a fun read from start to finish.

I would have liked to have seen Archie's (fingers crossed there really is one) reunion with his family at some point, but honestly, that's the only criticism I have for the story.

This is the fifth book in the Dukes Behaving Badly series (though of course in this instance it's a duchess who's not conforming to society at all times) but it worked just fine as a standalone. I'm quickly becoming a big fan of Ms Frampton's writing style, and am looking forward to whatever she writes next, in this series or another!

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.