A review by greeniezona
Alien Miss by Carlina Duan

emotional reflective medium-paced


I saw Duan read (mostly) from this collection at a reading with Farnaz Fatemi. Unfortunately, this collection was on back-order from the publisher at the time, so the venue didn't have any copies for sale. But her words stayed with me such that when I got home I added myself to the back-order list the very next day.

At the reading she read a powerful poem on language and hate and identity, but my favorite, the one that drove me to the publisher's website to click Buy, was "Possible" — about finding the inspiration to be possible — to be your self and have a voice and claim your space — a bit that stuck in my head (my soul) was about the "purpling" of the lilacs in the backyard. It brought me to tears, but with JOY and POSSIBILITY.

Once I had the collection in my hot little hands, I added more poems to my list of favorites, especially "Love Potion" and "Dear Tinder Screen," but "Possible" remains at the top of the list. 

— & oh, I am possible again. I am
a fragrant, silly self today. I thank
the worms who eat the dirt who
break down the soil who make
the lilacs possible and young, forever