A review by shobizreads
The Blue Witch by Alane Adams


The Blue Witch is such a fun read for elementary-aged readers and tweens. My boys (2nd and 5th grade) were immediately drawn into the stories and begging for one more chapter of this interesting story each night before bed.

It's a great mix of witches, mythology, peer relationships, magic, fantasy and there are references to Thor and Odin which my superhero-movie loving boys LOVED.

The pacing of the writing is quick and compelling. I read most of the book aloud to them, but my 5th grader also took turns reading chapters aloud.

We follow the main character, Abigail, who doesn't fit into the witches coven correctly (her magic is blue, not green) and there seems to be some mystery behind her mother Lissandra's story and death. We do learn about Abigail's father during this book, but we don't solve the mystery of Lissandra or why Melistra (one of the teachers at the coven) is out to destroy Abigail. We see just enough chaos from Melisatra's daughter Endera's manipulations and attempts to outmaneuver Abigail to keep the suspense high. And this first book ends with foreshadowing of what's to come in the sequel, The Rubicus Prophecy, that comes out in October 2019.

As a parent, reading aloud books to my kids is a high priority, but sometimes the content is hard to be excited about and enjoy - but The Blue Witch is not that case.

Highly recommend.