A review by shelfaddiction
Trace's Psychic by Jory Strong


I picked this up as an Amazon freebie. This book was full of erotica, odd romance, and pretty kinky. The story was interestig enough, the characters also kept my attention, I liked story as a whole, but I had issues wtih some of the scenes. Trace is a demanding, controlling, small minded person. I found it hard that Aislinn wanted to be controlled by him. During one of the sceenes he wanted to "punish" her for leaving his home when he told her not to, so what did he do? Spank her! Then have sex with her. Honestly, that was a little uncomfortable reading. I'm not in to being dominated, spanked and ordered around, so much of the connection between Trace and Aislinn wasn't really believable to me. Thier whole relationship revolved around him controlling her. Even to the very end when he finally had to ackowledge the psychic things that were happening , he still wanted to deny it and not speak on it. So closed minded. How could he possibly be in love with a psychic half elf when he is unable to open his mind?

I did also like some of the other characters like Storm, Miguel and Sophia. I'm sure the next books in the series will be better because these people are very different, so I'm pretty sure they won't involve controling your partner.