A review by bequibuho
The Ables by Jeremy Scott


He thought he was going to get the sex talk. When his dad took him out for a long drive, Philip thought he was going to have the heart to heart talk with his dad, instead he gets told he has super powers. As a blind almost teenager he has been given the ability to move things with his mind. . . And he will now being going to school with other kids that have abilities. He is so excited all throughout that first day until he finds out he is in a classroom with other disabled students with special abilities.

I loved this book so so so very much. I don’t even think I can produce enough words to talk about how much I adored this.

This book had just the right amount of nerdiness. There were superheroes of all types; people with the ability to move objects with their minds, people that have super strength, people that are far more intelligent than any man could ever be.


Not only is our main character blind but his whole group of friends have some sort of disability. Their disabilities hinder them in certain ways, whether it is running after bad guys or trying to save a damsel in distress.

Mild spoilers

Philips best friend, Henry, has the ability to read people’s thoughts, and as the book progressed Henry was able to project his sight into Philip’s mind. This gave Philip the ability to see but only when he was with Henry.

I thought this was a clever way to show how the kids’ powers are increasing but it also bummed me out that the author found a way to “fix him”. That was the only thing that really bothered me about the book.

This book had me laughing, crying, and explaining to my coworkers how brilliant I find this book to be.

I give this book an A.

Perhaps the best part of this book was the fact that it was written for adults. I didn’t find this book in the middle grade section, even though all the main characters are twelve years old. This allowed the book to be so much darker.