A review by lezreadalot
Holy Hell by Elizabeth Sims


I liked this; I do think that it was competently written and funny and suspenseful and a lot of things that a good murder mystery should be, but it underwhelmed in a lot of ways.

ETA: some thoughts.

- I think one of the most underwhelming parts of this was the fact that we were all fully aware of who the killers were from almost the beginning. Even if Lillian wasn't completely sure, she was mostly sure. And so the mystery became more about motive and PROVING that they were the killers, which wasn't as exciting.
- Mystery + romance is a winning combination, but Lillian's entanglement with Minerva was too short and ultimately meaningless to do anything for me. Minerva was more of a plot device than a character, which is always annoying.
- The audiobook as read by Dina Pearlman was good; she did some really entertaining voices. Sometime about it though... idk sometimes the book just really lost my attention.