A review by aditurbo
Sunshine Over Wildflower Cottage by Milly Johnson


Once in a while, when I get totally fed up with this dark world and feel all alone, I like to take a trip into one of Milly Johnson's Fantasyland, where people are kind-hearted and friendly to each other, and are still aloud to form communities (real ones, not social media ones) and families and support each other through thick and thin. I know in my head it's not real, but Ms. Johnson's so wonderful a writer that it feels like it is. Her characters feel like real people, and you care about them. You want them to have a happy ending and the baddies to get their comeuppance, which they do. It seems like Johnson enjoys writing, and has fun creating suspense and drama, heart-wrenching moments and moments in which you find yourself holding your breath, turning page after page as fast as you can to learn what happens next. This novel is a sweet and fun read, warm and compassionate, and if human beings are capable of this there may be hope yet for humankind.