A review by mandalor3960
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams


Interesting play with easy symbols and themes. No climax so the play felt very linear and mundane.

Rating Update 3/13/2019 - 3 to 2 stars. Because I find it boring now in hindsight. Definitely would not reread for fun but perhaps for curiosity.

Rating Update 26 May 2019
Two stars to one star. To be on the safe side, I have rated this play one star. I find that the atmosphere was gloomy and I did not enjoy any character save for Tom. I cannot remember enjoying a lot from this play.

Rating Update 10 June 2019
With the adoption of my new rating system, a two star rating is befitting. I recall that I did not enjoy this play to have rated it at three stars but I cannot recall if I disliked it enough to rate at one star. A two star rating is a safe estimate.

August 20, 2019
I recall disliking some aspects of the play; the mother's southern styled character and the daughter's attempted betrothal with Tom's friend. This is not enough to lower the rating to one star. The play remains a very low two star-rated play, impart to my lack of memory on it.

September 11, 2019
Presently, I dislike this book for its cramped setting and its useless plot. However, I cannot recall if I disliked this book when I originally finished it. A two star-rating is an appropriate rating.

February 1, 2020
The biggest support for a two star-rating comes from the original review: "No climax so the play felt very linear and mundane". The linearity and mundanes to the play are considered two star-rating attributes, and may not necessarily mean disliking, which would mean a one star-rating.