A review by kaitlynredwing
These Violent Delights by Victoria Namkung

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

"The stigma around sexual abuse, and child sexuality in general, is pervasive, and survivors often mention not coming forward sooner (or ever) due to deep shame, confusion, and an unyielding fear of not being believed."

This was definitely a hard review for me. I'm choosing to go with 4 stars because of how well the story shows the effects of sexual assault in women of all different ages and how important this topic is. But a part of me really wanted to give this 3 stars because of the writing style and how difficult it was to get through because of it. Regardless, I would very much recommend this book to someone.

These Violent Delights is a story of three women who were all sexually assaulted by the same professor at a private school who is loved dearly by the community. It shows how difficult it is for someone to come forward and out their assaulter and how vigorously the community would attack those who came forward.

This book will make you want to scream out in anger and cry at the same time. The injustice and hardships all women and men who have been sexually assaulted face are real and happen every day. And to anyone. Our three women are all from different social background and races, although they all did go to a private school, this book shed a light on the fact that anyone could be sexually assaulted.

There's not much I can say other than: Read This. The only downfall was the writing style. At times scenes didn't flow together, and the writing style felt more like a report. Though you feel for the characters and the traumatic experience they all went through, you don't know much more about them; I didn't have any emotional connection to them and wasn't invested in them besides wanting justice for them.

So if you're one who doesn't have to like the characters to enjoy a book then you would probably really enjoy this. However, If you're someone like me who needs that, it might be a struggle to get through. Overall, it was still worth it based on the subject content and it will make you much more aware of the struggles victims of sexual assault go through.