A review by brinchen
Depths of Salvation by Molly E. Lee


4 Stars

Depths of Salvation is yet another adventurous novel by Molly E. Lee. This time Molly takes us underwater deep sea diving in the Bahamas with marine preservationist Sadie and underwater welder Connell.

Sadie and her crew preserve the WWII cargo ship Falconer. The site is very special to Sadie and when she learns that a huge gas corporation wants to build an underwater gas pipeline right through her site, she tries everything in her power to prevent that: she only needs to convince the Head of Government that her site is important and valuable to its island's residents. In comes Connell. He was offered a $12 million deal by the huge gas corporation to work alongside Sadie on her site. But not to safe it. No: To testify to the Head of Government that her site is not worth saving. This way the corporation could build the pipeline without any issues. Problem is: Connell hasn't met Sadie yet.

Sadie is a very determined, strong and outgoing character. She loves her job and is passionate in doing it. She would do about anything to safe her underwater sites. Connell on the other hand is moody and a man of few words. He has a dark past, holds everyone at arm's length and is very determined to not let anyone in - ever. That is until he meets Sadie. Both Sadie and Connell are drawn to each other instantly and working together on Sadie's site makes Connell want to open up to Sadie.

Like Edge of Chaos and East of Redemption, Depths of Salvation is all about the adventure. I abosultely love this aspect of each of Molly's books. Reading this book, like all the others, was as if I was with Sadie and Connell. Molly puts so much effort in researching her books which makes the reading even better.
I've always wanted to get a diving license but due to lack of money and time, I never had the chance to. Reading this book made me want to get the license even more!! :) One day, I guess! :)

If you love adventure and romance, then you should pick this book up and dive right into the story.


Review to come!