A review by fictionalkate
Broken by Marianne Curley


Ebony, a girl who never quite believed she belonged, is coming to terms with the fact that she might be an angel. If only if it was as simple as that! There is a chance that those who believe she was switched at birth may be mistaken and her uniqueness has nothing to do with anything angelic. Her guardian and friend, Jordan, has his own agenda at hand and as much as he loves and cares about Ebony, his motives and emotions are clouding his judgement. Nathaniel (Thane) is forced to face the consequences of his actions in Hidden and other sinister forces are in play. There's a lot going on and somehow Marianne Curley manages to work it all together in a way which works.

The narration switches between Ebony, Jordan and Thane. I always felt like the person who was currently giving their point of view was the right choice at the time. Each of the three has their problems to face during the novel and being able to see what they see, feel what they feel emotionally helps us understand. Ebony is refreshing in terms of her relationship with Thane. They have a love which may have spanned eras and there is the exhilaration at having found each other again but she remains practical. As much as she wants to be with Thane, she realizes that there are more important things that being together all the time. And the same goes for Thane. Their relationship is so important to him (as evident when he put his personal feelings and the protection of Ebony before what the Angels would consider to be what is best for Avena in Hidden) but so is the fate of his people and the fight against Prince Luca.

For each of these characters, their backgrounds are important to who the character is in the present day. Ebony is logical and has faith in that which she can prove. Her relationship with her horses and friends is important to her. Jordan is effected by the past and it impacts on his decisions. Thane's upbringing and life in Avena is relevant to everything he does from Ebony to leading his people. I admire Ms. Curley for being consistent and acknowledging that to have her characters grow into the people they need to be, they have to know where they're coming from.

Love triangles are not usually my cup of tea but perhaps that is because I have not read many which are as well thought out as the one between Thane, Ebony and Jordan. There is reason and rationale behind why these characters have the feelings they have and as a reader, I could understand the justification behind the emotions. Ebony and Jordan being in such close proximity and the guardian bond working over time brings a closeness to the two which makes sense. As does the mind link between Thane and Ebony and hearing the passion Thane has when speaking about it with his closest friends.

Broken is a great addition to the Australian YA scene. Not only authored by an Aussie, Broken is mostly set in Snowy Mountains and has an authentic Australian feel to it. The scenery was beautifully described and I loved reading this book and being familiar with the region in which it was set. That said - the parts of Broken set in Avena or Skade were equally as impressive with their settings. The angelic realm of Avena, with the colours and unearthly way in which things work, as well as Skade, the place for souls and dark angels, had a certain vivid quality with their descriptions.

If you enjoyed Hidden (Avena #1), then I think you would love Broken. It has everything the first book had and more. And for those unfamiliar with the series, I recommend Hidden to people who enjoy well-rounded characters and great writing and a plot which will keep you guessing.

Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy for review.

Note: I had the opportunity to get my copy of Broken signed by Marianne Curley when I met her at the 2014 Indie Authors Down Under event in March. She was so lovely and it was so nice to meet her.