A review by booksnbookends
The Light that Gets Lost by Natasha Carthew


I received a free copy of this book by the book's publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

When I picked up this book, I had high expectations. The blurb drew me in and I had read a couple of good reviews before deciding to give it a go for myself. I wanted this book to be brilliant so much, but it ended up being one of the most disappointing books I have read this year.

Trey is a teenager who has seen his parents killed. Now he has only one focus, revenge. His hunt for the man who killed is parents is on. His arrival at a mysterious camp with strange cliques and jobs might just lead him exactly where he needs to be...

It sounds good doesn't it, unfortunately the book doesn't live up to the hype. It was exceptionally slow to begin with and was pretty laborious reading until about 35% through. Whenever Trey is angry, he constantly refers to the Demon being inside him and driving his revenge but whether he is the Demon or if it is simply a metaphor, it is never explicitly stated. The story itself seems to jump about and many loose threads seem to just be left unresolved.

I felt very disappointed by this book because it has so much potential. The plot and entire concept was fantastic but its execution was far less so. Carthew's writing style was far more descriptive, poetic and metaphoric than focused upon the plot, which some people may enjoy but it definitely wasn't for me. The ending of the story felt like I had stopped reading this book and had picked up at the end of Lord of the Flies instead. A very frustrating read, which had far more potential and could have been something fantastic.