A review by jassmine
Avatar The Last Airbender: The Art of the Animated Series by Bryan Konietzko, Michael Dante DiMartino


This is practically a movie guide and honestly, that is one of the few types of books I was never really interested in. But I guess that is the consequence of the fact that most of them are overpriced books with little in them (sorry for my bookish prejudices, I am working on them). I definitely never read this type of book front to back, much less in one day. But it was so beautiful and so interesting that I just couldn’t help myself. Bryan and Mike are telling us the tale of Avatar from the true beginnings, they share the first drawing with us, the first vision they had, some titbits of information I already had, but most of them were brand new and so exciting. We learn about the artistic creative process and that was so interesting to me, because it showed me that evolvement of ideas was quite normal and that the “end product” could be completely different from that first vision and that is okay… But they also show us some practical background struggles ant things to consider I never realised before. They also share some of their inspiration, which is great (I added a new movie to my “to-watch” list). And as I said the book is visually absolutely gorgeous. I definitely recommend this to Avatar fans.