A review by karen_the_baroness
Café Au Slay by A.N. Sage


Cafe au Slay by A.N. Sage has Piper in the middle of another investigation, this time by the sheriff himself.

Are the paranormal residents of Orchard Hollow at risk of getting exposed?

Piper Addison's life after solving her first case has been good for her. She has a part-time employee, has been learning to control her new magic, and is getting back to talking to the new vampire bookstore owner. Now if only the dead body that just dropped in her cafe wasn't the assistant of an author whose whole career was about outsing paranormals. Too bad, as that is precisely what happened. The sheriff is now asking Piper to help solve the case through the paranormal angle.

Piper is actually improving since the first book, and I'm quite proud of this improvement in her character. She just needs to feel confident in herself again. I'm sure that will come from researching further into her parentage. Piper is becoming a character that I like returning to and learning from her point of view.

The Mystery
Sheriff Romero is calling up on Piper for help as he told her he would at the end of the first book. I quite like these two unlikely characters interacting with each other. The reason is that it's quite comical, and I enjoy reading how discomforted he is around paranormals. Especially so far around Piper, but sadly she has to deal with him and his calls if she wants to help with investigating. I am quite proud of myself. I figured out the killer but not the motive; I was completely wrong. Oh well, you win some, and you lose some while trying to solve all the clues that an author gives you.

Five Stars
I am giving Cafe au Slay by A.N. Sage five stars and recommending it to all the cozy culinary paranormal mystery readers out there. I am enjoying this series and can't wait for the next book. Ms. Sage has me hooked, or spellbound, with the town she created here and how she did her worldbuilding. I have to say that I am invested in learning more about Piper and her ghost familiar, Stella.

Don't forget to try the Oat Matcha Latte recipe at the back of the book.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Cafe au Slay by A.N. Sage.

Until the next time,
Karen the Baroness

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