A review by blodeuedd
Is This Love? by Sue Moorcroft


Sue Moorcroft always keeps it real. Her romances take their time and there is always other things going on too.

Tamara has always helped her parents take care of her sister who was in a horrible accident when just a teen and now she has stayed a kid forever. But she loves her sister so she wants to stay close. One could say she is a bit self sacrificing, but this is what she wants. She made her own way trough life and sure she has regrets but is still happy. And I liked her, and felt for her.

Jeb is an old friend of the family who shows up and dishes out some secrets. At times I did not know where to place him, read and find out, I wanted to like him, then doubt sneaked in, and then I liked him again.

The love affair takes time, there is no instalove. There is weariness, a bit of lust in their eyes and slowly they move towards each other and take it slow. Like I said, she keeps it real. She lets it build, the lets them have doubts. No need to rush love.

The book is about...oh what to spill now, Liddie, her sister. Jeb and the budding romance of course and a secondary story that adds a bit of something else, and a bit of drama too.

I enjoyed it and read it fast. It was sweet and real