A review by heloncha14
Bittersweet Always by Ella Fields


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “A Million Oh-Yeahs” Stars!!

This book seriously gave me all the feels. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so emotionally connected to a book as I was with Bittersweet Always.
Ella Fields showed us all the sides that come with the dealings of any sort of mental illnesses when she gave us our beautiful but lost soul Toby.

There was so much angst in this book. I was taken in quite a ride. When it was up one minute, I was almost afraid to keep reading because I knew it was going to go back down again. When everything felt amazing, you just couldn’t help but wonder, “Ok. This just doesn’t seem right. Something bad is coming right? Can anybody else reading this feel the same?? I don’t want to keep going. I don’t want my heart to break some more.” And that’s just the way real life is for people dealing with mental health problems. You have good days and bad days. Sometimes everything is going along great and other you’re just waiting for the shoes to drop and have everything tumble down... (speaking from personal experience.)

You’re instantly going to fall in love with Pippa. How could you not? She’s all stubborn, extremely opinionated, sassy beyond belief, and a very strong-willed girl. I wish the was a Pippa around here I could find a befriend. WE ALL COULD USE A PIPPA IN OUR LIVES.
She is the perfect person for Toby. Someone who wasn’t going to shy away from him and all of his personal issues. Especially given the fact the past Pippa came from, and even because of that, it helped her understand more and more what Toby was going through.

From the very beginning, Toby and Pippa were like two stars colliding into each other. Explosive and all consuming. Their love is what you truly call love at first sight.

“I want you to breathe me, to inhale to thoughts of me, and for you to exhale anything that stops me from overtaking every part of you. I want...” His breath stuttered, head rising to rest his forehead on mine. “To do to you exactly what you’ve done to me.”

This story will make you love, break you, make you fall in love again, and break you all over again. You’re going to be taken on a ride. You will cry, you will be happy, you will feel so many emotions as always with any book that Ella Fields gives us.
I will FOREVER love Toby and Pippa’s story. It’s my favorite one of hers yet and that says a lot because Ella Fields gives us shattering characters that stay with us for a long time.

“Loving him would always be bittersweet, but I knew then that the sweet would always outweigh the bitter.”