A review by brittanyt
Serving Pleasure by Alisha Rai


Rana has been spying on her hot artist neighbor, Micah, from her bedroom window. What she doesn’t know is that he is completely aware she has been watching him! After witnessing a very steamy scene, Rana follows Micah to his art show where he confronts her for her voyeuristic tendencies. She is rightfully embarrassed, but less so when Micah makes her a “one night only” proposition. Obviously one night only doesn’t cut it, so they agree to continue to hook-up while Micah draws/paints Rana. The one stipulation – they can’t fall in love with each other.

This book is hot and emotional and I loved it! Both Rana and Micah have serious issues personally and with their families that they need to work out, so it makes navigating their relationship that much harder. I could relate to Rana so much. Personality wise, we’re not at all alike, but there have been so many times when I have tried to reinvent myself for the benefit of others. Older and wiser, etc., I now realize it is much easier to be myself! SPOILER – Micah is a survivor of a murder attempt, so he is dealing with the ramifications of the attack. My heart broke more than once for both of these characters, but the way Rai writes both character arcs was so fulfilling to read. I highly recommend this book!