A review by allingoodtime
Worth the Risk by Jamie Beck


Jackson’s story really touched me. Maybe it’s being a middle child like he is, although they don’t specifically discuss that in this story. But I really felt the character always felt like he was in a sort of tug-of-war and ended up being the peace maker…which is a classic middle child characteristic.

My love for Jackson does not negate my love for Gabby. She is a spitfire and has such a huge heart. When we meet Gabby, she’s learned to put up some shields and is no longer a pushover. She’s been used in the past and it seems like she was pretty pliable. She’s learned her lesson, at a very young age, and no longer allows others to pick her fate for her. Gabby’s father has been her rock, but she is even strong enough to stand up to him when it comes to what is best for her heart and her son. Her dad is not a bad guy, not by a long shot. He loves Gabby and is only trying to protect her. But Gabby is now an adult and a wonderful mother and needs to be able to make her own choices in life.

It’s truly wonderful the way Jackson sees Gabby and Gabby sees Jackson. They have no preconceived ideas about the other and that allows them to view each other in a clear way. On top of that, they are both such caring and empathetic people so their connection is fast and deep.

The way Jackson’s doctor forces him to face his character flaws on his own is brilliant. It had me seeing things in Jackson’s journey to rock bottom that I hadn’t considered previously. Although Jackson was no longer drinking, he was still having an issue admitting there was even a problem. I appreciated that the author didn’t have him have an aha moment at the beginning and had things make sense to him slowly and in a more organic way.

I’ve really enjoyed this series and I’m so glad I found a new-to-me author that has sucked me in so completely. I already have the first book in her The Cabots series ready to go!

This review can also be found on the book blog All In Good Time.